Bible study classes are being conducted in-person with simultaneous Zoom video conferences. Contact the church office (, or call 512-335-9540 and leave a message) to get the class invitation and Zoom link for Bible study and Sunday school classes.
Adult Sunday school classes always welcome newcomers. Just show up in the designated room at 9:00 a.m. on any Sunday, or contact the class leader beforehand for more information about the Zoom link to the class.
The Tuesday Lectionary Bible Study is also open to newcomers. No preparation is needed. Just show up at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary with your Bible (if you don’t have one, we’ll give you one). This class studies the lectionary lessons prescribed for the upcoming Sunday. You can also join via Zoom. Contact the church office (, or call 512-335-9540 and leave a message).
For Disciple Bible Study and other classes, there is generally a time to sign up beforehand, so that materials can be ordered and some preparation can occur in advance.
These classes are great ways to grow in your faith and make connections with other people who are interested in growing!