Cedar Park First United Methodist Church

First Time Visit

Come as you are. At Cedar Park First United Methodist Church, casual dress is more than welcome. We are a warm, inviting church with a strong commitment to Jesus Christ, to peace-making, and to service to our community. We love meeting new people and always aim to have our doors, our minds, and our hearts open for all. Our weekend services are Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:45 am with Sunday School for all ages at 9:45 am.


It is typically a good idea to arrive 10-15 minutes before the scheduled service start time. That way, you will have plenty of time to find a place to park and locate the sanctuary building where we have the worship services. Check us out on Google Street View. We are located at 600 West Park Street in Cedar Park, Texas, 78613. Here’s a map the help you find our location.



We have two parking lots (76 spaces) on our site. We recently renovated and expanded our main parking lot in 2016. In our main parking lot adjacent to Park Street we have two specially marked parking spaces near the church building  just for visitors. The 9 spaces in that part of the lot are 10 ft wide to accommodate larger vans and trucks. All other parking spaces are 9 ft wide. Feel free to park anywhere that is available.

Click to enlarge parking map

Visitor parking spaces

Sanctuary building entrance

Sanctuary Building
The Sanctuary building is the first building you come to if you are heading west on Park Street, away from Highway 183, also known as Bell Boulevard. Entrance to the Sanctuary worship area is through the double doors on the west (main parking lot) side of the building.

A person will typically greet you at our front door as you enter the building. Since this is your first visit with us, you will be invited to sign our Guest Register and make a name tag. If you wish to remain completely anonymous, you do not need to sign the Guest Register or make a name tag. We wear name tags to make greeting easier. The person greeting you can help you with any initial questions you may have about our worship services, childcare or facilities.

Ushers will greet you at the entrance to the worship area inside the Sanctuary building. They will hand you a printed worship bulletin which outlines the Order of Worship. They will help you find a place to sit if the worship area is crowded, otherwise you can seat yourself anywhere you like. Attendance at our 10:45 am service is currently averaging 57 people.  Our 8:30am service is averaging about 20. We usually have a few visitors, so you will typically not be alone as a first-time participant.

The Worship Service
The order of the worship service follows a printed worship bulletin. It is based on ancient Christian patterns and traditions and typically has the following elements

Typical Order of Worship
Gathering Music
Prelude music
Hymn of Praise
Opening Prayer
Children’s Moment
Prayer of Confession
Declaration of Pardon
Sharing the Peace
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Lesson
Gospel Lesson
Response to the Word (Creed)
Prayer Song
Concerns and Prayers
[Holy Communion]
The Lord’s Prayer
Giving Moment
Song of Praise to God
Dismissal with Blessing
Singing the Shalom

During the worship service, there are various times when you will be invited to stand (if you are able) or sit. The pastor will direct these times. Musical accompaniment for the service is provided by our expert, professional pianist, Dr. Jodi Blount. Hymns and songs are found in printed and bound hymnals in the rows, or you can sing from the lyrics projected on a screen at the front of the worship area. There are Bibles available in the rows if you wish to follow along with the scripture readings.

Offering  An offering is always collected at every service on Sunday. Many of us give out of gratitude for what God has already given us and to support the ministries of our church. We accept cash and checks in the offering plate on the left as you come forward for communion or online giving through our website or a mobile app. There is no “fee” or expected contribution for the worship service. A decision to contribute is entirely yours.

Communion Our worship service features communion every Sunday at both services. Our church practices open communion: anyone who desires can come forward. You may also choose to stay seated during communion.

Length A typical worship service lasts 55-65 minutes depending on attendance. Easter and Christmas Eve services are typically longer.

Typical 8:30am service

Typical 10:45am Service

We love children! Children are welcome in worship at all times. Part of the worship service is specifically designed to include children. We also have Sunday School for children, students and adults at 9:45 am on Sundays.


We also have a fully-staffed Nursery for your use. Our Nursery is available on Sundays from 8:00 am to noon for infants through Pre-K. The Nursery is located in the Sanctuary building off the Narthex to the right. A sign indicates the doorway. Our nursery is always staffed with trained childcare professionals.


After Worship
Please take a few minutes to hang around after worship is over. We have coffee, juices and cookies on the counter at the back of the worship area. Take a few minutes to meet and greet. Consider coming at 9:45 am for one of our Sunday School classes or join a class that meets during the week. We have Sunday School classes at 9:45 am for adults and for children. Most of these classes are located in our Multi-Ministries building. We would like to get to know you better! We have a printed brochure and other materials describing our ministries. Just ask one of our pastors or a greeter as you depart.

Go in peace, serve the Lord.

Come back again!