Adult Sunday School
Followers of the Word is a class open to both men and women of all ages, who want to study a book of the Bible or Biblical topics in depth. They meet in the Conference Room of the Multi-Ministries Building. Currently they are studying 1 Thessalonians. Contact Steve Howard,Todd Greer or Sergio Longoria
Followers of The Word Sunday School Class
A Purposeful Walk is a class open to both men and women of all ages are meeting in the Sanctuary at 9:45 am discussing the book The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility
A Purposeful Walk Sunday School Class
Seekers and Thinkers is a class open to both men and women of all ages, who are interested in a more cerebral approach to faith. Typically, they watch a video presentation and then a free-ranging discussion ensues concerning the ideas presented in the video. They meet in the Large classroom of the Multi-Ministries building. Contact Dave Sidney.
Seekers and Thinkers Sunday School class
The Cedar Park First United Methodist Church adult choir is currently comprised of 15 to 20 adults who share the joy of music. This group is a relaxed group that provides both traditional and contemporary music for our worship services. During the Service, the choir leads the congregation in hymn singing and often presents an anthem. This choir also presents larger works during both the Advent and Easter seasons. We rehearse on Sundays during most of the school year. Reading music is not a requirement, just the joy to share music with our congregation.
Music ranges from classical works by Mozart and Bach to more Contemporary music by Lloyd Larson, Natalie Sleeth, and others. We occasionally work with instrumentalists for our larger works, and have various members share solos during the year. We welcome all to join our family.
If you are interested in participating in the adult choir, please contact our music director and pianist, Jodi Blount, at 512-633-0009 or email Jodi by clicking on the blue button below.
Here is a link to a playlist of recent adult choir musical offerings.
We have a Prayer Shawl Ministry up and running at Cedar Park First United Methodist Church. We currently have six ladies making shawls and praying over them. We would love to have you join us no matter your age or skill set. Even if you just come to fellowship and pray with us, that would be wonderful. We meet Tuesday mornings at 11:00 in the Sanctuary Building.
I’d like to give you some background on this ministry and share some experiences we’ve had.
This ministry was started in 1997 by a group of women from Hartford Seminary. Since then, these gifts of love have been given in times of sorrow and loss, to those facing health issues or surgeries, or those facing other difficult times. Shawls are also given in times of celebration: births, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, ordinations, and graduations.
This ministry is based in love and combines needlework and prayer into a tangible, unconditional symbol of care, concern, and celebration. I have heard many stories from recipients of prayer shawls of what they have meant to them. I’d like to share a few with you.
One woman was having twins and took her prayer shawl to the hospital with her. She said she always thought it was “nice” that we give shawls, but when she put hers around her, she felt the prayers and it gave her peace. She also said it gave her the opportunity to share her faith with others when they commented on her shawl.
A friend’s brother had gotten very ill and went into a coma. She asked if we’d pray over a shawl for him. We did and she took
Prayer Shawls Dedication
it to the hospital and talked to him about it, put it over him, and at that time he briefly opened his eyes and talked to them before going back into the coma.
A lady in North Carolina who had received a prayer shawl, asked if we’d make a traveling prayer shawl for their church so they could pass it to different people in need. We did and she later requested another because they couldn’t take it from the lady who had it and still needed it, but there was another need.
Many others were touched by the fact that people they didn’t know were praying for them.
So many stories and they weren’t the only ones blessed. The ladies making the shawls and praying over them are blessed by their stories, pictures that are sent, etc. No matter how many shawls we make and pray over, we are blessed more and more by their stories, and reactions. After all, we can’t out give God.
Please join us. If you’d like more information, you can contact me or talk to one of the ladies in the group. If you’d like to come and just pray with us, that’s fine too. If you’d like to donate yarn, that would also be great. If you’d like to request a shawl for someone, we will have forms on the table in the back of the church that you can fill out and put in the offering plate. We just ask that you be responsible for delivering them after they are made and blessed.
Contact Karen Bowker for more information.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Cedar Park First United Methodist Church is host to an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous every Friday evening at 7:30 pm in the church sanctuary.
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. has not approved, endorsed, or reviewed this website, nor is it affiliated with it, and the ability to link to A.A.’s site does not imply otherwise.
Please email Steve Hamman if you are interested in attending the meeting via Zoom or have other questions about the meeting.
Buckles & Bows Square Dance Club
Buckles & Bows Square Dance Club meets every Wednesday evening (beginning again on September 8, 2021) at Cedar Park First United Methodist Church from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. We enjoy Square dancing, which is Fun, Fitness, and Friendship set to music. You will not find another hobby like square dancing which is a great social equalizer, is reasonably priced, combines the best of both art and science, is relaxing, stimulating and challenging at the same time, and lets you meet new friends. Square dancing contributes to a healthier and independent lifestyle.
Everyone is welcome; couples, singles and pre-teens (ages 10 & up) to learn to dance, as it is a great family activity. We use a variety of music to suite all tastes. Square Dancing takes about 3 months to learn, so lessons are offered in the spring and fall. For more information, go to our website ( or e-mail Arnold Gladson at: [email protected] Come “Dance in a Square and Make a Circle of Friends”!
Square Dancing will begin again in September 2021 with a series of free lessons. Contact Arnold Gladson (above) for more information.